Here are Ten Ideas for Purim
1) Spend more on Matanos Levyonim than on Shaloch Manos
2) Give Shaloch Manos to at least one person to whom it will have a friendship impact
3) It’s a day of joy, so don’t get lost in the details
4) If you haven’t hired someone for the task, then help clean up the Shul after the Megillah leining
5) Let your children enjoy their noise toys, but be considerate of your neighbors
6) Consider that some people get a little sick from the smell of the cap guns
7) Try to appreciate the costumes and poems of others
8) If you drink, drink responsibly, be under control
9) Be positive in your joy, focus on increasing your connection to others
10) Improve the quality of your seudah by focusing on Jewish unity and re-acceptance of the Torah
Mr. Cohen, I was thinking your exact comment. Barukh shekivantee!